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Philosophy and Culture
Balakleets N.A. (2016). Subject and Power: essentialism and ways to overcome it in modern political philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1419–1429.
Balakleets N.A. Subject and Power: essentialism and ways to overcome it in modern political philosophyAbstract: The aim of the present article is to study essentialist and post-essentialist approaches towards the subject of power. Modern political philosophy has revealed methodological inconsistency of essentialist interpretation of the ruler which was regarded as a phenomenon determined by supreme metaphysical essence (Wesen). Unsound is today the classical subject-object model of power in general. Using the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, Alexandre Kojeve, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault and other thinkers, the author examines in detail the causes of the crisis and heuristic incompleteness of essentialism in political philosophy. The article considers the attempts to overcome it. The author makes explicit ambiguity of the ways of describing and characterizing of the power subject represented in classical and modern concepts.Along with general scientific research methodology the author uses constructivist and poststructuralist approaches, hermeneutic methodology as well as the method of comparative analysis of philosophical doctrines.The novelty of the research lies in the comprehensive and systematic characterization of essentialist theories of power, explication of methodological "problem areas" of essentialism and constructivism. The author concludes the methodological fruitless using of classical Cartesian subject category in modern political and philosophical studies. However, the total elimination of this category from the arsenal of the modern political and philosophical thought demonstrating a broad conceptual apparatus for the expression of subjectivity is also untenable. The special contribution of the author consists in non-classical interpretation of the category of power subject in the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Carl von Clausewitz. Keywords: Foucault, Kojeve, Servant and master, Metaphysics, Essentialism, Political philosophy, Trancendency, Transgression, Power, Subject
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