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Philosophy and Culture
Makhlin V.L. (2016). Two beginning of the modern philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1388–1394.
Makhlin V.L. Two beginning of the modern philosophyAbstract: In the context of difficulties, which faces the historical-philosophical research and teaching in post-Soviet situation, this article poses – based in the notion of “event” – the problem of the “modern” philosophy, “paradigm” that in one or another way continue today, but takes its origins in the past. In this regard, the author’s thesis states that the modern philosophy has two main active-historical “beginnings” – one in the XIX century, the other one in the XX century, to the analysis of which this article is dedicated. Methodologically, this research is based on the multiple Western European (primarily German) historical-philosophical works, as well as is oriented upon the certain philosophical directions of the XX century (especially philosophical hermeneutics), which allows having a significantly new perspective upon modernity alongside the past of the philosophy. The conducted analysis establishes the moments of conceptual continuity of the modern philosophical thoughts, which to the present time finds itself inside the two revolutions in the way of thinking: one such “transformation in thinking” leads from the late Schelling, through Marx, Kierkegaard, and other opponent of Hegel in 1840’s, to Nietzsche and Dilthey; and the other transformation in thinking is associated with even more radical “revolt of a philosopher against philosophy”, namely against identification of the being and thinking and attempts (of Husserl, Heidegger, and other thinkers of the shift in philosophical-humanitarian paradigm in the 1910-1920’s) to have a new perception of the initiate problem of the “first philosophy” in the XX century. Keywords: Modernity, Hermeneutics, Reality, Revolution, Thinking, Event, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Schelling, Philosophy
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