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Administrative and municipal law

Belyaeva G.S., Butova E.V. On the concept and the essence of the administrative regulation mechanism

Abstract: On the base of systematization of the previous approaches to the problem, the authors attempt at analyzing the concept and the essence of the administrative regulation mechanism. The authors describe the existing general theoretical and special approaches to defining the concepts “legal regulation mechanism”, “administrative legal regulation mechanism”, helping develop a unified authors’ definition of the concept under consideration. The authors detect and characterize the specific features of the administrative legal regulation mechanism: compulsory legal consolidation; a specific purpose; a system and a complex character; a special structure and connection with legal procedures. The authors apply various general scientific methods of scientific cognition: analysis and synthesis, abstraction, modeling, the system-structural, functional and formal-logical approaches. The study has both general theoretical and conceptual character; it is a complex interdisciplinary study aimed at developing the general theory of legal mechanisms and defining the specificity of the administrative legal regulation mechanism. The authors compare scientific approaches to the understanding of the concept and the essence of the “administrative legal regulation mechanism” category, develop and demonstrate its unified definition, detect and describe its specific features. 


legal regulation object, special structure, system character, complex character, specific purpose, legal procedure, legal means, state mechanism, legal regulation mechanism, legal mechanism

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