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Philology: scientific researches

Korzhova I.N. Konstantin Simonov’s Poem «Wait for Me» As part of His Lyrical Cycle "With You and Without You"

Abstract: The aim of the article is to analyze Konstantin Siminov’s poem “Wait for me” considering the system of internal connections which are determinate by the fact the poem belongs to Simonov's poetic cycle “With you and without you”. The author examines the place of this work in the “romantic plot” (I. Fomenko’s term) of the cycle. “Wait for me” is a false climax and it is devoted to temporary and deceptive harmonization of relations of the lyrical hero and heroine. Key words, motifs and devices combining the poem with the overall whole become the subject of study. The work is based on the systems approach to the study of Simonov's poetry cycle and combines immanent and comparative analysis methods. The study reveals the “ties” which connect the poem with the cycle: motifs of love, expectation, miracle, miraculous meeting, overcoming of time and the method of subsequent narration. The poem “Wait for me” has been viewed as the poem about the victory over hostile force of time and space. The researcher establishes that other works of the cycle implicitly direct at this poem as at the ideal model of world.


motif of miraculous meeting, motif of miracle, climax, lyrical plot, lyrical cycle, Simonov, conflict, love poetry, war poetry, amphibolia

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