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Philology: scientific researches
Boyko M.E. (2016). The Operator Approach to the Theory of Literature: Narrative Operators, Their Features and Scope of Application. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 268–276.
Boyko M.E. The Operator Approach to the Theory of Literature: Narrative Operators, Their Features and Scope of ApplicationAbstract: The subject of the research is the solution of the problem regarding the relationship betwen fiction and reailty by using the so called 'operator approach'. Boyko analyzes the reasons that encouraged researchers to introduce 'narrative operators' in the theory of literature, in particular, the 'fiction-operator'. He also analyzes arguments of Hector-Neri Castañeda against the operator approach as well as his thesis that the difference between fictional statements and reality statements is the nature of predication. Boyko analyzes the features of narrative approaches and introduces the term 'narrative-analytical operator' that has the feature of linearity. The main research method used by the author is the operator approach based on the analogy with the operator calculus in mathematics and natural sciences. It is demonstrated that the operator approach to the theory of literature has a great heuristical power and allows to formalize certain complex issues as well as to provide clear, strict and efficient solutions. The author proves that the ambivalency theory of Hector-Neri Castañeda does not oppose to the operator approach but on the contrary constitutes one of its logical consequences. It is stated that the operator approach is one of the most powerful instruments in the modern theory of literature. The author of the article also outlines a range of important issues that can be solved by the operator approach. Keywords: fictional discourse, theory of literature, structuralism, semantic operator, semantics, narratology, narrative operator, David Lewis, formalization, fiction
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