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Philology: scientific researches
Rol'gayzer A.A. (2016). Features of the Language-Specific Categorization of Celestial Bodies Concepts. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 264–267.
Rol'gayzer A.A. Features of the Language-Specific Categorization of Celestial Bodies ConceptsAbstract: In this article Rolgayzer describes the main means of the language-related categorization of celestial bodies in the Russian and French languages. The researcher also defines the most efficient lexico-grammatical means that express categories of evaluation, time, amount and dimension. The phenomenon of categorization covers all spheres and aspects of human existence. The subject of the research is the language-related objectivation of category features as one of the ways to order and describe the conceptual picture of the world. The object of the research is celestial bodies concepts verbalized in the form of Sun, Moon and Stars. In the course of the research the author has used the method of the conceptual analysis to define and describe category features constituting the structure of the viewed concepts as well as the method of the contextual analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines category features of celestial bodies concepts in terms of Russian and French linguocultures. The main conclusion of the research is that categorization is one of the basic terms of the humanity and the main means of the systematizatino of objects and phenomena in the surrounding world. Keywords: linguoculture, conceptual analysis, objectivization, celestial bodies, cognitive system, characteristic, concept, categorization, category, worldview
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