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Philology: scientific researches
Grishin V.V. (2016). Poetry Philosophy: Historicity and Anticipation. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 254–263.
Grishin V.V. Poetry Philosophy: Historicity and AnticipationAbstract: In this article the poetry is considered as one of opportunities of disclosure of historicity and temporariness of human existence by means of a metaphor and gnoseological advantages of a poetic metaphor. The poetry appears as the reflection of spirit of the people, their history and perception of existence in general and nature in particular. Features of the western, easten and Russian types of poetic attitudes are revealed, the predictive aspect of the poetry is underlined. The predictive aspect of the poetry is studied from the point of the unity of its ontologic component: the poetry is the disclosure of existence and experience of the history of human being. The interrelation between the turning, crisis points of history and existence and predictive opportunities of poetry comes to light and the poetry mysticism is denied. According to the author, the predictive role of the poetry is inseparable from the civic consciousness and humanism. The main research methods used by the author to reveal the historicity of the poetry and to describe the ontological and predictive aspects of the poetry include dialectical and phenomenological methods. The author concludes that the poetry does not simply transfer the feeling of time but also conveys the personal position of the poet, his 9r her evaluation of the time and history. It is noted that in better times the poetry stays in the literature shadow and the prose comes out on top, but at the time of changes the poetry gathers numerous audiences in cafes and stadiums because poetic rhythms are conformable to the rhythms of listeners and time. Keywords: Russia, East, West, existence, prediction, world perception, humanism, metaphor, philosophy, poetry
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