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Philology: scientific researches
Trepachko A.N. (2016). David Samoilov’s Creativity as a Continuation of the Classical Traditions of Russian Literature. Philology: scientific researches, 3, 219–229.
Trepachko A.N. David Samoilov’s Creativity as a Continuation of the Classical Traditions of Russian LiteratureAbstract: The subject of the work is the artistic means used by Samoylov which are understood as a system of principles structurally organizing his texts. The author conducts a study of the "alien speech" in the texts of David Samoilov in terms of semantic, cultural-historical and philosophical aspects. Trepachko also takes into account the poet's addressing to texts, explanations, plotlines, principles, and techniques that exist in Russian classical literature. The researcher traces back patterns that connect the work of the poet with the works of the authors of Russian classical literature. The author also analyses the development of the poetic style of David Samoilov in terms of contemporary culture as well as the poet's formation of new meanings relevant to cultural-historical space of the XXth -XXIth centuries. Using the methods of comparative-historical, structural and semiotic, historical and biographical analysis of functional units in the intertextual poetry of David Samoilov, the author finds out that there were dialogical relations between the poet's creative work and that of the authors of Russian classical literature. The original approach is the author's approach to interpreting elements of the intertext as values as well as the in-depth study of the "alien speech" from the perspective of semantic, philosophical and cultural-historical aspects. The results can be used during lectures and training on the history of Russian literature of the XXth century as well as specialized courses and seminars. Keywords: archiseme, allusions, dialogical relations, reminiscence, intertextual field, theoretical literary concepts, intertext, literary studies, Russian classical literature
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