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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Semerikova A.A. The Basic Theoretical Approaches to the Phenomenon of Sexual Aggression

Abstract: The object of the present scientific research is sexual aggression as a destructive phenomenon of a modern society. The subject of the research is the theoretical approaches that explain the nature of sexual aggression, what causes it and conditions that contribute to the development of this negative social phenomenon as well as factors influencing the criminal orientation of a person and growth of the level of victimity in such criminal actions. The purpose of the research is to define psychological, medical and social aspects of personal destructuralization and to clarify the process of the development of sexual aggressive personality. The empirical basis of the resaerch is the psychological and psychiatric study of individuals who committed sexually aggressive actions. Having analyzed the main theories of sexual aggression, the author defines both pluses and  minuses thereof. Based on the theoretical research carried out as well as practical experience of working with individuals who have committed sexually aggressive actions, the author formulates her own theory of motivational aggression. According to the author, there are two models of sexual aggression, affect-charged and consumer, that explain two different patterns of behavior demonstrated by people inclined to sexual aggression. 


gender, consumer aggresion, violence, social learning, regularity theory, mental instability, destructive socialization, frustration, affect-charged aggression, sexual aggression

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