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Financial Law and Management

Karelina M.G. Assessing Structural Changes in the Intergrative Activity of Holding Entities

Abstract: The structure of a complex socio-economic phenomonon such as the integrative activity of Russian holding units in various Russia's economic sectors always have this or that degree of flexibility and ability to change with time both quantitatively and qualitatively. Therefore it is theoretically and practically important to study dynamics of such a structure, to evaluate structural changes, to define and characterize the main integration process development trends in order to increase efficiency and competitive ability of Russian economy. In the course of writing the article the author has used the following research methods: observation, comparison, systems analysis, generalization, systematization, classification, and statistical analysis. The article presents the results of statistical research of the integrative activity of holding entities in various Russia's economic sectors based on the analysis of structural shifts. The results of the analysis can be used to establish the infrastructure of the market for corporative control and to develop efficient state policies in the sphere of sectoral management of the integrative activity. 


mergers and acquisitions, statistical analysis, structure, holding, holding unit, structural shift, descriptive analysis, statistics, integrative activity, integration

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