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Financial Law and Management

Ledeneva M.V., Parfenova M.V. Foreign Models of Innovation Vouchers: Similarities and Differences

Abstract: The object of the research is the foreign models of innovation vouchers. The subject of the research is the following parameters of the foreign models of innovation vouchers: the voucher value; criterias to be satisfied by a receiving company and service providers; co-funding requirements; kinds of services covered by the innovation voucher; the procedure for selecting a winning company,e tc. The authors of the article view such aspects of the topic as the pluses and minuses, risk factors, efficiency of innovation vouchers, and 'delicate adjustment' factors for this tool of innovation policy. They also describe the models of innovation vouchers used in the Netherlands, Ireland, Great Britain, Denmark, Bulgaria, and CIS countries. Based on the systems approach to the object of the resaerch, the authors have also applied historical, logical, monographic methods and comparative and structural analysis. The author conclude that the popularity of innovation vouchers can be explained by their simplicity and efficiency. However, considering that the long-term efficiency of innovation vouchers have not been proved yet, the model of innovation vouchers should be combined with other tools. Implementation of innovation vouchers in CIS countries is complicated due to the underdeveloped market mechanisms and high corruption level, thus it requires additional risk coverage. 


innovative projects, research and development, commercialization of knowledge, knowledge transfer, small business, innovations, innovation vouchers, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland

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