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Financial Law and Management

Gulyaev P.V. The Impact of the Information-Financial Environment Density on the Socio-Economic Development of a Region's Administrative-Territorial Units

Abstract: The subject of the research is the information-financial support of the regional economical management systems. The author proposes a hypothesis that there is a certain regional information-financial environment that influences the level of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation constituents and administrative-territorial units as part of a region. The author also assumes that by impacting the information-financial environment it is possible to optimize regional finances and regional economy in general. The purpose of the research is to give a definition and to describe the main features of the information-financial environment. The article presents the results of the research that studied management systems of the information-financial environment for the purpose of their possible optimisation taking into account the modern information paradigm. The author introduces his method of evaluating the information-financial environment density and relevant calculation data. The author also performs a comparative analysis of integral estimations of the information-financial environment density and the level of the socio-economic development of administrative-territorial units in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). As a result of the comparative analysis, the author describes a group of districts with the low density of the information-financial environment and consequently low level of the socio-economic development. The author offers to introduce a new category - information-financial environment. The presence of this category allows to state the fact that a new innovative form of economical organization has been originated. The following author's statement can serve as a postulate: only the high density and capacitance of the information-financial environment allows to efficiently distribute and use information resources and to carry out a current valuation of supply, demand and society's need in these resources, etc. 


informative-financial environment, asymmetry of socio-economic development, optimisation, information paradigm, management system, information-financial support, integral estimation, information, finances, regional economy

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