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Pedagogy and education

Ovcharova T.N. The Successful Education Triad: Solidity, Competence, and Personal Development

Abstract: The subject of the research is the efficiency of education when the integrated approach to teaching involves examining different aspects of and factors contributing to this efficiency. Replacement of the knowledge-based paradigm of national education with the competency approach is accompanied by underestimation of fundamental education which requires a detailed justification of education efficiency. The competence component of the successful education model is considered in terms of the rational content of the Soviet system of polytechnic education including close relations with labour upbringing which becomes especially important under the conditions of falling labour values demonstrated by today's youth. The autor analyzes two interrelated approaches to the formation of professional competences, personality approach and behavioral approach. In the article, particular attention is paid to a child-centred development component in the successful education triad which does not allow to become just a "one-dimensional professional". The author bases this research on dialectical methodology and supplementary scientific methods of theoretical research: analysis, comparison, synthesis, historical, systems and comprehensive approaches, and critical analysis of literature. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides grounds for the system of successful components of the education which can be seen as a framework for evaluating the quality of education and achievements of students. The author concludes that characteristics of education, efficiency and quality are not fully disclosed by the market approach to education where there is a trend towards the "provision of services". Russians traditionally view education as a system which does not only educate but also teach morals which allows to speak about education as the process of enlightenment. Therefore, University performance indicators must be linked not only with the quality of knowledge but also with teaching good morals or so called character education.


parenting, education, morality, personal development, professional competence, occupational competence, solidity, competence, quality of education, education success, education efficiency

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