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Pedagogy and education

Korotkikh O.V. Historical and Socio-Cultural Factors of Developing Moral Values in Russian Folk Pedagogics

Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of developing moral values in the history of Russian culture and the role of moral values in folk pedagogics. The author of the article analyzes the influence of historical peculiarities of Russia's nations, their experience in interaction and cooperation, traditions of social life as well as Christian propagation of mercy and serenity, oral folk creations and other elements of folklore on the process of developing folk pedagogics. The article proves the statement about the need to revive traditions of folk pedagogics in order to continue the existence of Russian culture. In this research the author uses the methods of historical and historical-cultural reconstruction, analysis and synthesis, structural and hermeneutical methods. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses historical and historical-cultural references that are usually left unnoticed  by pedagogical researchers as well as reconstructs the relationship that has always been there between pedagogics and other spheres of humanities including folk culture.


moral values, Christianity, folklore, folk culture, Russian culture, peasant community, Russian history, folk pedagogy, charity, peaceableness

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