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Philosophy and Culture
Nikol'skiy S.A. (2016). Creation of memory. About the poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky, a poet with eyes wide shut. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1345–1355.
Nikol'skiy S.A. Creation of memory. About the poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky, a poet with eyes wide shutAbstract: The subject of this research is the memory as a part of public consciousness. The article examines its formations on the example of the works of one of the most renowned poets of the Soviet era Vladimir Mayakovsky. The author raises the question, how objectively does the poet reflect the historical reality, social phenomena, and events in his poetic ideas? We must acknowledge that the latest generations often base their perception about the revolution on his oeuvres and assessment of the events, and thus form their own. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the following: the topics, precise storylines, and created images in Mayakovsky’ poetry in best case scenario have emerged based on the slogans and promises, which accompanied the revolutionary October. The further practice of the Bolshevik reformations was far from the, and at times antithetical. However, the poet preferred not noticing it, having lived his life with wide shut. Keywords: Man, Public consciousness, People, Power, Philosophy of culture, History, Culture, Poetry, Literature, Memory
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