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Kudryashov N.I., Kolobaev S.A. Some aspects of the theta waves fighting phenomenon in the practice, theory and methods of martial arts

Abstract: The research object is the integral wave motion system. The research subject is the theta waves fighting (or vibration fight) phenomenon within the integral wave motion system. Among the variety of approaches to the theory and methods of martial arts, the new vibration fighting (or theta fighting) approach is standing out within the integral wave motion system. It is based on the methodological principle of the wave of muscles transformations or a logical combination of muscular straining and relaxation in different parts of the body, leading to the actualization of reserve abilities of the body, hitting power strengthening, increase of speed and strength endurance, mental stability and the improvement of social adaptation of a person. The vibration fighting system within the integral wave motion system is only a part of the system, which includes the problems of improvement of social communication, optimization of gender and role relations, the issues of personal growth and psychological self-regulation. The research method is theoretical reconstruction of the sources on the integral wave motion system, the analysis of practical results of application of the vibration fighting method, the comparison and systematization of scientific facts. The authors analyze and generalize the use of theta waves fighting and recommend the inclusion of theta fight training into the process of cadets training. The theta ways fighting system doesn’t substitute the general martial arts training, but supplements it with the mental stability training component. 


self-regulation, stability, homeostasis, supermotion, phase relations, wave of muscles transformations, tendon training, martial arts methodology, corporality, theta waves fighting

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