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Police activity

Abramov V.V. Problems of legal groundwork for law enforcement activity of internal affairs agencies in the sphere of information struggle against extremism

Abstract: The research is aimed at a further improvement of legal groundwork for law enforcement activities of internal affairs agencies in the sphere of information struggle against extremism. The author studies social relations in the sphere of information struggle against extremism. The research subject is the legal forms of information struggle against extremism in the activities of internal affairs agencies. The author studies particular legal problems of different branches of law, hampering the effective work of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of information struggle against extremism. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (historical-legal and dialectical) and special scientific methods (formal-logical). The considered problems point at some aspects of the imperfection of legal provision of law enforcement activity of internal affairs agencies in information struggle against extremism, and define the current condition and some trends of development of modern legislation in this sphere. “In this context, the imperfection of state regulation, on the one hand, negates the effectiveness of the system of information security provision, and on the other hand, serves as a source of various threats to information security. Many remaining shortcomings of lawmaking are conditioned by the imperfection or the lack of instruments and procedures, ensuring timely and sufficient expertise of basic draft laws”. It proves the need for a further scientific and practical consideration of the problems of legal groundwork for law enforcement activities of internal affairs agencies for a more effective information struggle against extremism. 


extremist materials, extremist activity, extremism, struggle against, legal problem, legal groundwork, internal affairs agencies, information, information struggle, information sphere

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