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International Law and International Organizations

Bogatyrev V.V. International legal inclusion of Russia into the modern world order from the perspective of the constituent composition of the Russian Federation

Abstract:   This work demonstrates the international legal inclusion of Russia in the modern world order in terms of the subject composition of the Russian Federation. The involvement of the Russian Federation into a universal international legal space destined to the sovereign State of the existence of the country. The postulate of a unified system of state power in the parameters of the rule of authority throughout the spatial extent of the Russian Federation and independence in the international arena, which is justly stated by the scholars and experts of international judicial and arbitral authorities, establishes a clear format of the subject perception of the concept of "state sovereignty". International legal positioning of the Russian Federation as a bona fide member of the system of modern international relations is indicated in the format of the state with the characteristic to it legal capacity. In its national status, the Russian Federation has such intrinsic element as the international legal personality: a combination of rights and responsibilities with the simultaneous existence of the actual legal opportunity to protect for ensuring its subjective rights and legal interests. In this regard, the international legal personality of the Russian Federation completely meets the general at the universal level standards of the doctrinal perception of the notion “international legal personality”. The author determines that the international legal importance of the contribution of the Russian Federation into the support of the modern legal order manifests in execution of the entire frame of international obligations based on the good faith principle, as well as in strengthening of the International Court as the main judicial authority of the UN and provision of the integrity of the universal system of international security.    


Globalization, Legal standards, Government authority, Nation, Sovereignty, Independence, International legal personality, Constituents of the Russian Federation, International normative system, Russian Federation

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