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Philosophy and Culture

Akimov O.Yu. The Massage of V Rosanov.

Abstract: Rosanov created an original massage. He witnessed the being of things. This witness supposes the special relation to the events, that are happen and the perception of this presence as the reality. It causes the identity of being and reality in his works. It is the main plot of his texts, because the real world is changeable, and Rozanov foxes the points of this transformation. All, that seems to be real is for Rozanov the truth. In such way the concrete facts are connected with the unchangeable limit (being). To evidence this limit as the border between the idea and the structure is for Rozanov the main task. Rozanov takes writing as the technology and all other forms of society as the profanation. Rozanov trays to avoid this mistake, so , that why are his opinions subjective. Rozanov protects the ideal concepts of the real life. This concepts are present and we can feel this presence. The people forget about this presence, then they form and order the life. The reality is out of this forms and Rozanov turns to the everyday life. He uncovers the presence of the being. It gives Rozanov the opportunity to reappraise his attitude to the concrete things. It is the main topic of his massage without it the interpretation of his philosophy is impossible.


position, life, form., reality, structure, thing, being, witness., Massage, limit

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