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Philosophy and Culture

Trofimova R.P. On culture and culturology (contemplation on the book of F. Mamedov “Culturology. Culture. Civilization”)

Abstract: Culture is an inexhaustible resource of development of the man, society, and the state. It is also the foundation of independence and sustainable development of the country, source of wellness and living standards of the nation. The book of the academician Fuad Mamedov Teyub oglu is dedicated to the relevant problems of cultural development. By generalizing his reasoning on the undisputable value of culture for the development of society, the author of the book presents the results of his research in culturology, as well as knew knowledge on culture as a social phenomenon, its national specificities which in a unique way manifest in human civilization. The main goal of the book is familiarization of the audience with the essence and limitless opportunities of culturology, which is extremely important for culture and state development alongside efficient management. The knowledge expounded by F. Mamedov are aimed at helping each interested individual to advance the intellectual and ethnic culture, as well as make the right choice for personal improvement.


Culture of management, Formula of traditions of innovation, Formula of efficiency of management, Formula of successful management, Formula of the man of culture, Culturogenesis, Culturological pyramid, Civilization, Culturology, Culture

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