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Philosophy and Culture

Gaynutdinov T.R. The problem of death in the philosophy of Georges Bataille

Abstract: The subject of research is the problem of death in the philosophy of Georges Bataille. The theme of death in Bataille is inextricably linked to the theme of community. It is from this context comes the definition of community as "sovereign" and "sacred". Any community, any movement of cooperative experience is being established around some sacred core that can turn "a category of death into a principle of life, the category of decline – in the principle of an excess of vitality", which corresponds with the ambivalent nature of the sacred: it is both high and low, pure and revolting, the sacred and the cursed. In most cases, in the works of Bataille concepts are not static: rather, they constantly travel along the surface of the text, escaping because of their very dynamic from any ordering, so we do not set ourselves the task of holistic analysis of the topic of death, but sought only to outline the metaphoric of his texts. Attempt to represent the experience of the sovereign community of Georges Bataille by combining the two perspectives: in real (community of Surrealists, "Counter-attack", "Acetal", "College of Sociology") and the ideal community. Bataille shows that the community does not require the integrity, it rather suggests the loss of the “part of your own being”, creating yourself by means of your own death. This is what the philosopher calls "the practice of joy before death".


Hegel, inner experience, sovereignty, sacred, event, community, death, Georges Bataille, Other, philosophy of laughter

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