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Philosophy and Culture
Spektor D.M. (2016). Time and space sub specie aeternitatis. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1107–1118.
Spektor D.M. Time and space sub specie aeternitatis.Abstract: This article examines the key definitions of time and space. It is demonstrated that if time in the XX century attains the character of the ultimate ontological foundation substantiating the corresponding interpretations, then space, which within the framework of physical theories meets time, in philosophical searches, on the contrary, counterpoises time. Space is endowed with the role of “reservoir” that is close to the role of “immanent dwell”. Mainly on the example of M. Heidegger’s philosophy, the author demonstrate the incorrectness of such approach and substantiates the need for the new ontology, which interprets the space itself as an ontological condition for materialization (fulfill). The scientific novelty consists in enhancing “spatiality” with ontological importance. The author is firs to underline the specificity of the initial homogeneity of space and time, the uniting ambivalence of the “movement towards integral” (homogenous), which in space is designated as aestheticism, and in time – the “establishment” and “agonal confrontation” (heterogeneous); which in space is manifested as expansion and assignment-assimilation, while in time as the tempo and speed of the “organic” interaction. Keywords: Transition, Rebirth, Being-towards-death, Magic, Body, Space, Strive, M. Heidegger’s philosophy, Being, Time
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