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Administrative and municipal law

Pogodina I.V., Markova E.S., Averin A.V. The evolution of antitrust law of the USA

Abstract: The article analyzes the evolution of antitrust law of the USA. The authors consider the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, the Robinson-Patman Act and other laws which form the basis of the modern antitrust legislation of the USA. The authors enumerate the bodies responsible for antitrust regulation. The article contains the conclusion that the successful experience of the USA in the sphere of antitrust regulation can be used in Russia, particularly, in relation to preventive measures. The authors carry out the comparative-legal study of antitrust legislation of the USA and Russia. The authors apply the historical method (to study the retrospective of antitrust legislation of the USA) and the comparative-legal analysis (when comparing American and Russian legislation). The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of American experience in the sphere of antitrust regulation and the possibility to use it in Russia. The authors conclude that it would be reasonable to use American experience in the sphere of preventive institutions in Russian system of antitrust regulation, broadening of powers of antimonopoly service and globalization of antimonopoly legislation. 


USA, antimonopoly regulation, Federal antimonopoly service, Antitrust division, Federal Trade Commission, Antitrust law, antimonopoly law, International Competition Network, Sherman act, Clayton antitrust act

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