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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Petrov V.E., Abasov M.M. (2016). Some Psychometric Characteristics of the Driver's Reliability Inventory. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 440–446.
Petrov V.E., Abasov M.M. Some Psychometric Characteristics of the Driver's Reliability InventoryAbstract: The article is devoted to increasing safety of the road traffic through implementing preventive psychological diagnostics of the driver's disposition for aggressive (dangerous) driving. The object of the research is the personality inventory aimed at assessing the driver's reliablity as well as whether the inventory can predict the driver's style of driving. The subject of the research is construct validity as a psychometric characteristic of the inventory. It is the characteristic that defines the quality (i.e. accuracy) of studying this or that individual psychological trait. For this reason, the authors have conducted the psychometric research of validity based on comparison of obtained results with inventory indicators which served as the standard (basis) for evaluation. The basic research methods combined diffedrent diagnostic methods (tests) and methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. The following tests and inventories have been used: Californian psychological inventory, Willed self-control inventory (offered by A. Zverkov and E. Eidman), Risk liability inventory (A. Shmelev), John Taylor's personal anxiety inventory, Five-factor questionnaire, Self-assertiveness Strategy Inventory (offered by A. Nikitin and N. Kharlamenkova) and BPAQ questionnaire. Comparitive correlation analysis of the diagnostic scales of the Driver's realiablity inventory with relevant indictors of the aforesaid seven tests has allowed to make a conclusion about the construct validity and good psychometric characteristics of the Inventory. The scientific novelty of the research is casused by the fact that the authors have tested a new innovative method of preventive dianogistics of the driver's disposition towards aggressive (dangeous) driving. Such analysis of personal traits of acting and future drivers allows to assist them with psychological help if necessary, to improve their style of driving and, finally, to increase the safety of road traffic. The results of the research also show that the Inventory can be used not only for drivers but also for internal affairs officers. Keywords: psychometric characteristics, anxiety, delinquency, validity, anxiety manifestation scale, Road Patrol Service of the Main Directorate for Ro, aggressive driving, dangerous driving, deviation behavior
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