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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Rakhmanovskaya E.A. (2016). Ruthless Will to Power. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 407–414.
Rakhmanovskaya E.A. Ruthless Will to PowerAbstract: The subject of the research is the phenomenon of the will to power as a peculiar passionate beginning of human nature. The appearance of power is caused by the social need because society cannot do without a governor, however, the phenomenon of leadership cannot be reduced to the will to power. It is rooted in the depths of human soul and appears as some kind of response to the existential need to be united wih the surrounding world and to overcome the feeling of incompleteness. Human mind fails to fight against the lust for power and to make the desire for power rational. In her research Rakhmanovskaya has used methods and principles of philosophical anthropology, social philosophy and psychoanalytical approach. The novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that the author views the phenomenon of the lust for power as a drainless passion and universal need of human which is at the same time supported and encourged by the society. It is noted that the will to power is in many ways caused by the inability to establish good emotional contacts with others and the failure to develop personal traits for the benefit of the illusion of superiority. At the end of the article the author concludes that the power mania does not only deprive of freedom and establishes dictatorship but also conquers the one who has the love for power, impoverishes his personality and his feelings. Keywords: psychopathology of power, compensating mechanisms, intellectual dictatorship, submission, human nature, emotional poverty, despotism, power, will to power
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