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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich P.S., Stakhovskiy E. Freud the Great and the Bottomless (conversation between Pavel Gurevich, the editor-in-chief, and Evgeny Stakhovsky, the writer and the frontman of the popular science show 'Object 22' broadcasted by Radio Mayak)

Abstract: The material posted in the Journal contains the conversation between the writer and the frontman of the popular science show 'Object 22' broadcasted by Radio Mayak Evgeniy Stakhovsky and the editor-in-chief of the Psychology and Psychotechnics Journal professor Pavel Gurevich. On May, 6 it will be 160 years since the birth of a great researcher Zigmund Freud. Being the founder of psychoanalysis as a philosophical and psychological school, he had a great influence on philosophy, sociology, philosophical anthropology, art, medicine and other associated sciences. His views drew controversial responses of the global cultural community. Freud became the founder of a special philosophical school called Psychoanalysis. At the same time, he is also the father of psychoanalysis as one of the five main branches of psychology. The main method used in the conversation is historicism which allows to demonstrate the place of psychoanalysis in the history of world psychology. This principle also allows to analyze the radical nature of Freud's psychological concept. Evaluations of Freud's heritage are often contradictory. It is widely accepted that Freud influenced nearly all philosophical schools of the last century. Some ideas of psychoanalysis received recognition and further development in other psychological schools and movements. Existentialism is an example of it. From time to time Freud's main conclusions were criticized. However, when doing so philosophers always described both differences and similarities of theories. Freud made a revolution in psychology by describing the role of unconscious in human behavior and thinking which changed the vector of psychology in many ways. 


anthropogenesis, culture, sexuality, life, personality, human, unconscious, psychoanalysis, psychology, psyche

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