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Culture and Art
Petrov V.O. (2016). Ready-Mades of Marcel Duchamp in Terms of Dada and Dadaist Tendencies of the Twentieth Century. Culture and Art, 4, 518–526.
Petrov V.O. Ready-Mades of Marcel Duchamp in Terms of Dada and Dadaist Tendencies of the Twentieth CenturyAbstract: The subject of the research is numerous ready-mades of a famous French Dadaist Marcel Duchamp. In his research Petrov onsiders the origin of a new art form (readymade) in line with innovative trends of the early XXth century when all the known substantial bases of culture were carelessly denied. There were many reasons for that: dramatic changes in the public consciousness, permissibility of literally all sins, "transition" to the full freedom of thought and freedom of expression, and, of course, overall instability of the historical situation which included an abundance of revolutions, wars, changes of territories and political experimentations. The author of the article presents a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon studied (ready-mades of Duchamp) where their genesis, perception and prolonged action become especially important topics. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that there are no researches of the aesthetic fetures and anti-aesthetic provocations of Duchamp's ready-mades in culture and cultural studies. The author of the article raises a naturally-determined question about the aesthetic significance of such experiments (as examples the author analyzes such famous ready-mades as "Fountain," "Bicycle Wheel", and "Bottle Rack") and describes their role in the development of the twentieth century art in general and postmodernism in particular. Keywords: surrealism, synthesis of arts, post-modernism, ready-made, epatage in art, aesthetics, innovation, subject, dadaism, Marcel Duchamp
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