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Culture and Art
Bayarsaykhan S.B. (2016). Peculiarities of Saxophone Interpretation in Symphony Orchestra Works. Culture and Art, 4, 498–502.
Bayarsaykhan S.B. Peculiarities of Saxophone Interpretation in Symphony Orchestra WorksAbstract: This article is devoted to one of the important problems of instrumentation which is not yet explored – the problem of saxophone interpretation. It also reflects the basic scientific result of the master’s thesis under the same title. Based on the analysis of numerous works of composers living in different countries and different epochs as well as academic literature on the theory and practice of instrumentation, the author of the article discovers methods, peculiarities and trends in using a family of saxophone instruments in symphony orchestra compositions. The research was conducted based on the analysis of music scores of both applied and autonomous nature. The research covered only music pieces that had one or more saxophone parts. In the course of analyzing music scores, the author has traced back and defined peculiarities, methods and trends of orchestra saxophone interpretation typical for both the composer's individual style and the style of a particular culture-historical epoch. As a result of the research, the author has integrated data on interpretations of saxophone as an ochestra instrument. The author has also described how saxophone became famous in different countries and genres of music. Being used in French opera initially, by the beginning of the 20th century saxophone became famous with the composers from other countries and genres of music. In the process of the research the author has also defined peculiarities, methods and trends in the interpretation of saxophone as a symphony orchestra instrument. Keywords: French composers, family of saxophones, composer, symphony orchestra, works, element of the orchestral texture, orchestra, saxophone solo, saxophone interpretation, saxophone
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