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Culture and Art
Kalinina G.N. (2016). Philosophical and Culturological Definition of Parascience in Terms of Specifics of the Parascientific Discourse. Culture and Art, 4, 419–424.
Kalinina G.N. Philosophical and Culturological Definition of Parascience in Terms of Specifics of the Parascientific DiscourseAbstract: The object of the research is the phenomenon of parascience. The subject of the research is parascience as a cultural and historical phenomenon and subculture. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the relationship between science and parascience from the point of view of their cultural and historical development as well as modern environment. The author also develops her own philosophical and cultural definition of parascience as a subculture that has evolved from marginality to antisystematicity. Special attention is paid to the aspect of the author's substantiation of essential features of parascientific destructive forms that try to look like science as well as the main characteristics of the parascientific subcultural complex. The author of the research bases her research of the cultural and historical phenomenology of parascience on the multi-disciplinary approach and philosophical-methodological concepts of culture taking into account chronotopos characteristics of an active concrete-historical individual involved in specific subcultural communities and groups. The main research method used by the author is a classical dialectical method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author focuses on the philosophical and theoretical problem of cultural and historical phenomenology of parascience because, first of all, solution of this problem can be found at the intersection of classical and non-classical methodological paradigms of knowledge based on ontological and epistemological grounds. According to the author, in order to solve the problem it is necessary to establish a philosophical and cultural concept of parascience as a subcultural formation in different cultural and historical knowledge systems. As the main conclusion of the research, the author offers her own philosophical and culturological definition of parascience as a subculture in terms of specifics of the parascientific discourse. Keywords: marginality, borderline, parascientific subculture complex, mimicry, destructive formations, parascientific discourse, rationalism, science, subculture, culture
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