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Culture and Art

Shapinskaya E.N., Glazkova T.V. Love and Family in Russian Cultural Discourse: from Artistic Representation to Philosophic Reflexion

Abstract: The subject of the present reserach is the problem of love and marriage as interrelated phenomena as well as their interpretation in Russian artistic texts and philosophical discourses. The rationale for choosing this topic is the deconstruction of traditional famly values in today's sociocutural situation when new forms of legitimized family relations which used to be rejected by society appear and the value of love as the basis of family is in question taking into account the processes of culture commercialization and individual atomization. The researchers have used the method of textual analysis and discourse-analysis to analyze representative texts from Russian fiction and philosophy. The authors have also used the diachronic method to research cultural phenomena. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors study modern contradictions in interpersonal relations that possess the features of post-modernist culture and society from the point of view of similar crises in the Russian culture of the 19th century that were reflected in literary and philosophical discourses. The conclusion is made that inspite of cultural changes many of the aspects of love-family relations have universal meaning and are a part of human being's existence. Thus, the authors outline universal anthropological phenomena, love and family, that remain stable despite changes in cultural paradigms. 


discourse, love, regulation, power, representation, literature, philosophy, interpersonal relations, family, culture

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