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Philosophy and Culture

Chzhan Ts. Court Painting of Qing Era: images of animals and plants

Abstract: The object of this research is the court painting during the reign of Qing dynasty. The subject of this research is the images of animals and plants in the court painting of Qing dynasty. The author conducts a reasonably detailed analysis of the most interesting in historical and creative aspects paintings from the perspective of art history. Special attention is given to the demonstration of how they combine the European and Chinese elements of graphic arts, form a Sino-European style of painting while preserving the ancient Chinese symbolism of imagery. The main conclusion consists in the statement that the reception of some techniques of the Western pictorial art was not just borrowing; it has established a specific Qing royal style in painting, which seamlessly combined Chinese tradition and Western techniques. The novelty of this study is lies in the thesis that the Sino-European style of court painting of Qing era has its own remarkable artistic merits and is an organic aesthetic phenomenon of the Tianxia (All-Under-Heaven) history of art.


Sino-European style of painting, Giuseppe Castiglione, symbolism, images of animals, realism, Qing era, Court Painting, Chinese symbolism of imagery, arts of Tianxia, images of plants

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