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Philosophy and Culture
Balagushkin Yu.E. (2016). Image of a man: Edward Tiryakian in comparison with representatives of various philosophical trends. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1028–1036.
Balagushkin Yu.E. Image of a man: Edward Tiryakian in comparison with representatives of various philosophical trendsAbstract: This article analyzes the outlook of the renowned American sociologist, culturologist and philosopher E. Tiryakian upon the problem of human, as well as compares it with the interpretation of this issue by the representatives of Personalism, philosophical anthropology, and existentialism. In particular, the subject of examination is the correlation between Tirykian's thoughts with the concept of Personalism on transcendental orientation of personality; M. Scheler's interpretation of the essence of human as oppositeness and interconnection of life and spirit; G. Plesner's idea of systemic inequality human as a natural and spiritual creature; A. Gehlen's image of human as “insufficient creature”; M. Heidegger's and existentialistic ideas of projective character of human being, and philosophical image of a man in the modern society. The author concludes that the task of bringing together social philosophy (sociologism) and philosophy of existentialism initially posed by E.Tiryakian, considering the complementing corrections of their positions in understanding of interaction between the society and an individual, led to the formulation of principal statements of his original philosophical anthropology, based upon both, sociologism and existentialism. Keywords: openness to the world, transcending, human eccentricity, existenz, personality, individual, Edward Tiryakian, human identity, philosophical anthropology, intersubjectivity
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