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Philosophy and Culture
Parkhomenko R.N. (2016). Freedom and conservatism in the Russian philosophical tradition. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 988–999.
Parkhomenko R.N. Freedom and conservatism in the Russian philosophical traditionAbstract: The subject of this research is the ideas of N. A. Berdyaev, S. L. Frank, P. B. Struve, P. I. Novgorodtsev, I. A. Ilyin; all of these philosophers were typical representatives of so-called current conservative liberalism in Russia. Particular attention is paid to the development of the idea of freedom in the conservative liberalism, since it is the conservative thinkers who turned their attention to the important issue of the relationship between politics and culture, which was not adequately covered in the liberal political philosophy. The main conclusion of the study consists in the fact that the development of the concepts of realization of individual freedom in the state was in a constant dialogue between the liberal and conservative ideologies within the Russian political philosophy.At the same time, liberalism and conservatism are not opposed to each other and the idea of freedom was developing within the framework of the so-called "conservative liberalism". In history of political thought, the idea of realization of individual freedom in the state was not opposed by conservatism, but rather radicalism, while conservative and liberal movements in Russia complemented each other for the most part. Keywords: West, Russia, liberalism, culture, society, human, philosophy, conservatism, freedom, state
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