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Philosophy and Culture
Oleynikov Yu.V. (2016). Post-industrial modernization in the context of social megatrends. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 978–987.
Oleynikov Yu.V. Post-industrial modernization in the context of social megatrendsAbstract: The goal of this work is to determine the place of post-industrial society in evolution of the planetary socio-natural Universe from the position of the prospects for future development of humanity. According to the formational concept, the post-industrial society is a capitalist society at the stage of change of productive forces that are adequate for the era of classic capitalism. The replacement of the mechanical working tools by the objects and processes of nanolevel leads to the establishment of a qualitatively new technological way of production, which drastically changes the place and role of a modern human in nature and society, space and time. Because of nanotechnologies, a separate person becomes a factor that is able to change the evolution of planetary whole, and the society attains ability to ensure its limitless existence in space and time. However, the fundamental constants of capitalist society (private ownership of the means of production, trade and financial relations, surplus value as the goal of production, etc.) subject the use of nanotechnologies to the purpose for making profit, which questions their humanistic potential and justifies the escalation of global issues, provokes alienation and infantile existence of people, as well as limits the achievement of the ideals of the Modernity and Enlightenment. In light of the establishing of the new worldview paradigm and formation methodology, the future of humanity is seen not on the path of post-industrial modernization, but is associated with a fundamental transformation of social mode of production. Such vision of the future of post-industrial society targets social science towards searching the actual ways of humanistic orientation evolution of the planetary socio-natural whole. Keywords: development, evolution, modernization, Postmodernism, Modernity, nanotechnology, society, people, crisis, Outlook
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