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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kuzina N.V. Development and Testing of Psychotherapy and Psycho-Diagnostics with the Use of Short Films

Abstract: The object of the research is a short fiction/documentary films and use of cinematic language / imagery in psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy. The subject of the research is the algorithm of diagnostics and correction of emotional psychological trauma associated with social stigma due to illnesses, age, experiences of intimate relationships, addiction and suicidal behaviour with the help of short author cinema; the personal imagery of the patient and its transformation by methods of the art implementation of the method of therapy by creative self-expression; visually observed reactions of the patients / viewers to the viewing of films and their use during psychotherapy; the regularities of psycho-physiological reactions (dynamics of microcirculation) with the help of background recording at the viewing.Research methods: creative expression therapy, art therapy, background recording laser Doppler flowmetry during screenings, computer psychodiagnostics.The algorithm of this study: 1) shooting and editing video with the active inclusion of the patient (film about the patient's problem and its resolution); 2) screening for the respondents which have not participated in film editing,3) the analysis of the perception's features at the viewing and content reflection of the audience following the screening 4) recording of LDF-grams in the presentation of the author's videos and analysis of the dynamics of unconscious regulation of the microvascular bed in response to the presentation,5) conduct computer diagnostics of the Respondent-viewers,6) analysis of the efficiency of short author cinema with the aim of psychotherapy and psycho-diagnostics.When designing the visuals features considered necessary are:1) accurate targeted registration of the most probable and possible associative Parallels of the patient - cultural, national, generational, professional, personal (used semiotic ontopsychological approaches); 2) on the other hand, the creation of freedom in interpretative activities. Following techniques have been developed and used during shooting and editing: receiving emotional contrast shots; the contrast of moving and stationary image (on photo that reflects the physiological response – closed eyes (or the symbolism of the end of life's journey as part of the movie) «black screen»); guided light hypnotic state through overloading the same type of information (repeated frames, musical fragments or phrases in the case of participation of actors); the effect of «kōan» (no unidirectional interpretation), etc. Specially developed techniques of the patient's perspective inclusion in the frame were used. One rule developed and used: the Respondent must be given the widest possible background for associations (the image is extremely generalized, lacunar). Along with the representation in the film of the specific situation in terms of deactualization process of traumatic stimuli and correction of the condition, the films have a deep philosophical implication. Lacunar technique of associative film editing is applied - special location shots and stories: adjacent slices and frames may not be thematically appositional (NLP-analogue reception in building stories) with the purpose of creating supportive spaces for individual associative.ConclusionsPossibility of identifying of physiological correspondences of catharsis, hidden motivations, needs and emotional trauma when viewing movies was tested (identification of suicide risk, dependencies, relevance of gender relations, etc.).Reactions during screenings, specifics of the verbal response to the films content after the viewing, the number of reactive changes of the microcirculation during playback allow to judge of the degree of emotional trauma, a predisposition to deviant behaviour or to psychosomatical experiences. Differences in responses while watching films and writing flowmetry associated with cultural level, age, gender, current needs are recorded. Story visual stimulation (movies) in contrast to the fragmented (photos) one, has a more powerful impact on the state of the microvasculature (Kv < 10), in case of retention of the optical waveguide arm of the test – a significant tremor (Kv < 20).The films shot with psychotherapy patients, draw response of the subjects - students that experienced similar emotional trauma or which are prone to the same behavioral pathologies (experienced their aftereffects). Using the proposed methodology one can identify the needs of the socium typically not detected in the mass scale and using other methods and available experience of chemical dependency, pathological gender relations, a predisposition to suicide. The technique can be used in lie detection. Screenings may offer the opportunity to register the activation of neurogenic - the sympathetic, endothelial, and myogenic factors in regulation of the vasculature.


deviant behavior, psychological trauma, art therapy, laser Doppler flowmetry, psychotherapy creative expression, psychodiagnostics, short film, memory, unconscious, stressors

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