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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Sukiasyan S.G. Biological and Social Roots of Human Behavior

Abstract: The present article presents the results of the study of different forms of behavior, with the help of self-developed case studies based on Herman and Parsons concept of " Evolutionary stable strategy of behavior." The analysis of the responses reveals an interesting picture of the polarization of society, the re-evaluation of traditional convent, that is, socially conditioned phenomena and at the same time, the stability of many fundamental values and phenomena caused especial by biological mechanisms. According to the biosocial concept of human being, a person usually manifests social and biological needs, motivation of behavior and different reactions. Unlike animals, he is able to perform actions that do not fit within the scope of rational behavior. Aiming for the ideals created by him, a person, at the same time, constantly disturbs these limits. Most of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, etiologists considered human behavior as a result of interaction between psychological and biological nature of human being and environment. In order to understand human nature, it is necessary to comprehend that genes and culture works together in one process of gene-culture co-evolution. Various attitudes are formed in terms of ambivalent cognitions, superimposed on development of interaction with environment (requires a conscious decision). Personality of human being has relative autonomy, which implies the possibility of behavior irrelevant with certain situation.Received data emphasized the role of both social and biological factors in manifestation and development of certain forms of social behavior. The research results showed ambivalence of human behavior, conflict between social norms and internal essence as well as lifestyle of each person, and not freedom of the individual in the social behavior of the restrictions imposed on him by evolution. Human personality is determined by the degree of "humanity", which, in turn, is determined by how we relate to other people, to animate and inanimate nature, the world as a whole, what kind of "god" we worship, what values guide in these hostile world. The human behavior is based on specific biological mechanisms and structure, as well as morphological changes in the brain, which are formed in phylogenesis and ontogenesis of the man.Consequently, it can be assumed that modern human retains all (and not always the most appropriate and profitable) genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and properties as a manifestation of his ancestral forms. The old sign does not disappear completely, but is stored as an archaic phenomenon. The new feature is started to operate instead of the old one, which, in turn, on the next cycle of development, loses its adaptive character, and gives place to a new phenomenon.


polyphyly of human, measure of humanity, situational tasks, deviant behavior, ambitendency, ambivalent behavior, social roots of behavior, aggressive behavior, biological roots of behavior, psychology of behavior

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