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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Yakovleva E.L. Modern Mythicization of the Personal as the Glimmering Display/Displayed Glimmer of Self

Abstract: The purpose of the present research is to study the contemporary mode of mythicization that enables fulfilment of Self in the social environment and communication, at the same time eliminating reality and events, thus making it the process of glimmering display/displayed glimmer of Self. The results of the research are the following: myths turn out to be a comfortable plastic form that may contain all kinds of Self narratives, as a result, it is often impossible to distinguish between the real and the imaginary. Following the glamour trends creates continuous mythicization as a simulation of individual existence. This leads to a paradoxical situation when a mythicizing personality turns out to be created by the myth. The aforesaid matter is described in the form of a narrative discription using dialectical and phenomenological methods, and principles of the comparative and intentional analysis allowing to reveal special features of Self's mythicization in the modern glamour discourse. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article examines the problem of today's individual mythicization which is becoming total. Within the framework of the research, the author also gives a definition of the glimmering display/displayed glimmer of Self proving the ephemerality of expressions as well as uncertainty of individual existence. The author also defines mythicization methods such as deviation which gives birth to the wonderful and bri-collage technique. Provisions and conclusions of the research can be used for further research of personality in the glamour social environment. 


hypertext, secular, bri-collage technique, sacred, glimmering display/displayed glimmer, Self, mythicization, myth, (post)neo-paganism, glamour

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