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Administrative and municipal law
Manna A.A.
The role of sharia in modern legal systems
// Administrative and municipal law.
2016. № 8.
P. 658-663.
Manna A.A. The role of sharia in modern legal systemsAbstract: The author analyzes criminal law sources of foreign countries, including Muslim ones, and their mutual influence. Within foreign criminal law, the sources of law are the forms of legal norms expression. The sources of criminal law usually include statutory acts, legal precedents, legal customs and treaties. With regard to the sources of criminal law, law has been historically divided into statutory law and law of practice. In this context, Muslim countries are the exception to the rule. The research is based on the applied comparative-legal, historical-legal and formal-legal methods, the system method and multivariative analysis. The experience of foreign states shows that the source of criminal law can be presented not only by a unified act, for example the criminal code; but it should be compulsory and should be applied equally to all types of relations. Modern criminal laws of some Muslim countries are based not only on the recognized sharia norms, but also on the criminal codes adopted from the West European legal system. Keywords: legal system, sources, statutory law, law of practice, criminal code, penalties, Islamic criminal law, codification, law, sharia
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