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Administrative and municipal law

Beshukova Z.M. On the issue of criminalization of mass distribution of extremist materials: disputable aspects

Abstract: The paper is devoted to criminalization of mass distribution of extremist materials. The author analyzes the judicial practice materials on criminal cases regulated by the article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and on administrative cases regulated by the article 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offences. The author states that investigative and judicial practice faces particular difficulties when distinguishing the mentioned offence from the crime established under the article 282 of the CC. The problem of distinguishing these illegal actions in the “border areas” is one of the most complicated problems of law enforcement. The research methodology is based on the general principles of the dialectical method. The author applies modern general scientific and specific research methods including logical and legal, comparative-legal, system-structural analysis and others. The author reveals certain shortcomings of anti-extremist legislation and the procedure of formation and the content of the federal list of extremist materials. Particularly, one and the same information material can be examined by court twice if it is represented in another form and fixed on another information carrier. The presence of such a possibility of avoidance of law disperses anti-extremist instruments and unreasonably extends the federal list of extremist materials. The author offers the ways to improve the legislation which can allow avoiding the multiplicity of judicial opinions on the alike issues. The author concludes that the necessary precondition of implementation of the suggestion about criminalization of mass distribution of extremist materials is systematization and analysis of extremist materials included in the published federal list. The author states that it is necessary to establish the so-called “white list” of information materials which should contain the materials which had been declared non-extremist by court. 


extremist materials, criminalization, criminal law, crime, federal list, extremist activity, information, publication, hate mongering, extremism

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