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Taxes and Taxation
Lukashova I.V. (2016). Price Zoning of Bishkek for Housing Taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 616–624.
Lukashova I.V. Price Zoning of Bishkek for Housing TaxationAbstract: The object of the present research is the taxation of residential properties. The subject of the research is the price zoning of the city area for evaluating the role of the location of residential properties in the taxable price thereof. The author of the article offers a multi-stage algorithm for converting data on the price of residential properties sourced by the secondary market into a value set of the relative price of the reference object as well as describes opportunities for using this value set in the implementation of the cluster analysis formal procedures and transfer from clusters to price zones. The methodology of the research is based on the cluster sampling of residential properties sold on the secondary market, pattern recognition methods and experience in price zoning. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops a new method of price zoning for housing taxation which allows to overcome the problem of heterogeneous initial data (numerous series of apartments, types of houses with household plots, etc.) that distorts clusterization results or even makes them inadequate for practical use. Using the aforesaid method, the author of the article draws out the map of price zoning of Bishkek. Keywords: cluster analysis, vector of characteristics, correction value, registration quarter, reference object, value of the property, housing tax, price zoning, residential properties, price zone
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