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Philology: scientific researches
À.Å. Petrenko (2016). The evaluation and the methods of its representation in Old French (based on the poem of Chr?tien de Troyes «Erec and Enide»). Philology: scientific researches, 3, 204–209.
À.Å. Petrenko The evaluation and the methods of its representation in Old French (based on the poem of Chr?tien de Troyes «Erec and Enide»)Abstract: The language medieval literary monuments are written in is interesting not only from the linguistic but also from the cultural point of view. Medieval novels and poems are some kind of a portal to the remote epoch and reflects the main laws of the world and the time when they were written. In this article Petrenko chooses one of the five Chretien de Troyes’ novels ‘Erec and Enine’ (the XIIth century) and analyzes the means of evaluative representation in the language, as well as studies the relationship between a subject and reality in certain historical conditions set by the society and development factors. Multi-aspect functional semantic analysis of evaluative adjectives that can be found in the novel allows the author to define certain peculiarities of the medieval mentality. Having analyzed the semantics of evaluation, mechanism of its development and functioning in the medieval text, the author makes a conclusion about the volumes of the evaluative world image and means of its representations. According to the author, a medieval author enriched established lexical units with new meanings which proves the continuous growth of the human mind and development of the human understanding of the world. Certain restraint of the evaluative vocabulary and a need to increase its functional potential are seen by the author as a necessary stage in the language development. Keywords: linguistic world-image, evaluation, evaluative adjectives, mentality, Middle Ages, ‘Erec and Enide’, language studies, Chretien de Troyes, functional semantic analysis, Old French.
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