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National Security

Kamalova G.G. The questions of formation of the object of legal regime of classified information

Abstract: The subject of this research is the combination of legislative norms that regulate public relations with regards to protection of the complex legal regime of classified information. The author carefully examines such aspects of this topic as the peculiarities of establishment of the object of legal regime of state secret through the procedure of classification and declassification of information, the illegitimate distribution of which can inflict harm on national security. Special attention is given to the types of the used restrictive and regime-setting lists and their importance in the process of establishment of the legal regime of classified information. The author notes that the cases of inappropriate designation of the lists used in preservation of state secret are common in the current legislation and law enforcement practice; as well as there has not been established legal regime for the information, referred as state secret in accordance with the applicable procedure, after being declassified. The author expresses an opinion the declassification of information should not violate the rights of private parties and corporations, as well as preserve the legal regime established before declassification of information. Other issues of establishment of the legal regime of state secret are being determined during the course of this research.


list of classification, list, state secret, legal regime of information, secrecy, confidentiality, secret, information of limited access, information law, list of declassification

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1. St.
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