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Pedagogy and education

Pazukhina S.V. The Model for Evaluating New Results of the Educational Process at the University

Abstract: The object of the research is the system aimed at evaluating new results of the educational process at the university. The subject of the research is the theoretical basis of evaluation components of such model that can be used in the process of implementing of the Federal State Educational Standards. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the most significant trends related to changes of the object and subjects, functions, and evaluation means at the University. Particular attention is paid to the justification of new methods and forms of assessment in the course of the current, intermediate and final certification. The main theoretical method is the method of modeling and survey. The methodological base of the research is the competency approach. The result of the research is creating the model for evaluating new results of the educational process at the University in the process of FSES implementation. The authors's model highlights the most significant trends related to changes in the object and subjects, functions, and evaluation means. The scope of application is the educational process at the University. The conclusion is that such a theoretically grounded model can serve as the basis for the development of evaluation of funds, algorithms, various means of assessment and forms of their implementation in the educational process at the University. 


reflection, subjects of evaluation activity, evaluation function, professional training, competency approach, new educational outcomes, model, evaluation, self-evaluation activities of students, competence

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