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Pedagogy and education

Aldoshina M.I. Possibilities of Assessing the Ethno-Cultural Competence Level of University Students

Abstract: The present research article is devoted to the pedagogical problem of assessing academic achievements and competences of University students as a result of adopting new higher education standards. The competency approach directs a teacher in his educational environment depending on disciplines and allows to predict students' academic activity results expressed in the form of general cultural and professional competences. Within new approaches to educational activity, it is growing especially improtant to select the best methods for assessing academic success of students and level of their ethno-cultural and professional competence. The purpose of the present article is to analyze the variety of assessment methods and to test one of them, portfolio method, in the University educational process based on the analysis of the discipline 'Multicultural education' in the major 'Psychological and pedagogical education'. The main conclusions and results made by the author in this research contribute to the solution of an important technological problem of University education - analysis of existing methods to assess the level of students' competences in a certain major and selection of the best methods for particular disciplines and programs, for example, the method of creating a final portfolio describing particular academic achievements. 


competence, competency approach, portfolio types, portfolio, academic achievement, competence of students, means of assessment, ethno-cultural competence, University, University education

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