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Pedagogy and education
Zabavnikova T.Yu., Maksimova O.V., Gubanova T.V. (2016). Education as an Integral Part of Work with Foreign Students. Pedagogy and education, 2, 202–209.
Zabavnikova T.Yu., Maksimova O.V., Gubanova T.V. Education as an Integral Part of Work with Foreign StudentsAbstract: Currently upbringing, being the most important component of educational process, is becoming more urgent. Working with foreign citizens at the level of pre-university training, the authors try to explore the scientific basis of the educational process and to apply results of the research in practice. The problem of foreign students’ aesthetic education lies in the system of aesthetic views, attitudes and characteristics that is established by influence on students’ aesthetic characteristics and is necessary for acquisition of aesthetic values of the society. Existing researches on the aesthetic education of foreign students are not numerous andare rather fragmentary.The article is devoted to the experience of educational work with foreign students at the International Education Department of Tambov State Technical University; methods of aesthetic, spiritual and moral upbringing of foreign students during their studies (the Russian language as a foreign language, History, Social Studies) are described and characterized. In their study authors used various methods of foreign students’ upbringing which include methods of development of certain consciousness characteristics, methods of practical activity organization, accumulation of conduct experience, primarily in the form of various types of exercises, creating educative situations; stimulation methods, methods of intensification of consciousness patterns and forms of conduct. The practical implementation of some methods of educational work is connected with lexical work, work with text (prose and verse), acquaintance with music, painting and art pieces of different countries, film, video watching and analysis, and others.Thus, the practical significance of the research lies in the fact that a set of educational activities aimed at the establishment of aesthetic values of foreign students of the International Education Faculty of Tambov State Technical University was developed on its basis. It had undergone an experimental approbation and was implemented into the pedagogical subsystem of the additional pre-university training of foreign citizens. As a result, it had a significant impact on the establishment of aesthetic, spiritual and moral characteristics of foreign students, the aesthetic attitude to the reality, developing the aspiration to be perfect in everything: thoughts, deeds and actions. Keywords: organization of practical activities, cross-cultural space, impact, aesthetic quality, foreign students, stimulation methods, aesthetic education, education, background knowledge, lexical work
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