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Pedagogy and education
Baksanskiy O.E., Emelin I.A. (2016). Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge Within the Interdisciplinary Framework. Pedagogy and education, 2, 192–201.
Baksanskiy O.E., Emelin I.A. Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge Within the Interdisciplinary FrameworkAbstract: In this article the review of modern researches on the theory of knowledge is given, the new interdisciplinary endeavour which purpose is to research biological prerequisites of human knowledge and to explain features of knowledge on the basis of the modern evolutionary synthesis and Michael Polanyi's philosophy of science is considered. Application of the evolutionary approach allows to allocate a new foreshortening in the theory of knowledge. This approach is based on rationalistic attitudes and is focused on consideration of real cognitive processes, on research of real informative process by the means of modern science. Analysis of modern researches on the theory of knowledge allows to pay attention to the new methodology which can be described as the 'naturalistic' approach. This approach tries to analyze all kinds of philosophical problems from the scientific standpoint using specific scientific knowledge. For the purposes of the present research the authors believe it is necessary to analyze the new interdisciplinary endeavour aimed at studying biological prerequisites of human knowledge and to explain features of knowledge based on the modern evolutionary synthesis. As a conclusion, the authors state that the analysis of knowledge from the biological point of view shows that there is an opportunity to broaden our cognitive area. The consecutive understanding of biology as a science about interaction of living systems with environment and among themselves defines a methodological position of Lorentz which he called a hypothetical realism after Campbell. Keywords: evolutionary approach, cognitive map, tacit knowledge, world picture, interdisciplinary approach, methodology of science, theory of knowledge, autophoesis, philosophy of science, rationality
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