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Pedagogy and education
Artyukhina M.S. (2016). Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Mathematics Interactive Training in the University Education Information Environment. Pedagogy and education, 2, 176–185.
Artyukhina M.S. Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Mathematics Interactive Training in the University Education Information EnvironmentAbstract: The object of the research is the process of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education environment aimed at personal self-actualization. The concept of interactive training in mathematics which uses a set of approaches as the teoretical and methodological base is submitted: these include systems-activity, competence-based, information approaches, concept of the personality-focused training, cocnept of the differentiated training in mathematics, professional orientation of training in mathematics, creative thinking development, basic researches in the field of the theory and technique of training in mathematics, and the concept of evident and model training. The conceptual core of interactive training in mathematics is the pedagogical interaction. Based on the analysis of laws and regular patterns of training, methodology and the theory of developing training in mathematics from positions and conclusions about reorientation of valuable and semantic aspects of interactive training, fundamental laws and regular patterns of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information environment are formulated. The developed concept of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information enfironment has received confirmation during the theoretical and experimental work which has been carried out at Arzamas branch of Nizhny Novgorod State University. Laws of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information environment are formulated. Groups of regular patterns of interactive training are described: general regular patterns of training, sociocultural and regular patterns of developing training. In order to appy laws and regular patterns of interactive training in mathematics, the authors develop the principles of interactive training according to the purposes of education and pedagogical conditions promoting improvement of training quailty of bachelors for future professional activity and personal growth. Keywords: integration, pedagogical conditions, self-updating, principles of interactive training, regular patterns of interactive training, concept, laws of interactive training, pedagogical interaction, interactive training in mathematics, bachelor degree
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