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Gurevich P.S. The Finitude of Human and Boundaries of the Mind

Abstract: The present article provides a review of Karl Jaspers' book 'Kant: Life, Research and Influence' published by the Kanon+ Publishing in 2014. This book is twice as valuable. Firstly, it is beileved to be a great contribution to Kantian studies. Meanwhile, it can tell us about the philosophical heritage of Karl Jaspers himself. Kant was one of Karl Jaspers' favorite philosophers. Karl Jaspers believed him to be an original philosopher and therefore mentioned Kant's name in his doctor's thesis several times. Those references were priceless for Kantian studies. In his book Jaspers developed and systematized fragmentary remarks about Kant's achievements. In his research Gurevich has used the historicism principle which allowed him to demonstrate the role of Kant's ideas in the history of philosophy. The author of the present article has also conducted the comparative analysis of Jaspers' two researches written by him in different times, 'General Psychopathology' and 'Kant'. In his article Gurevich has also touched upon different aspects of Kantian studies. In the aforesaid book Karl Jaspers described details of Kant's life that allowed to provide a better insight into the development of Kant's views and his path towards critical philosophy. The structure of Kant's cognition is also described as well as the mind and all forms of mind. The 'Kantian' reason is also characterized. It is very important that Jaspers went beyond cognitive issues. He introduced Kant's understanding of politics and history to the readers. Finally, he also shared his critical views of Kant's philosophy and underlined the historical place of Kant and his influence on the following stages of philosophy.


cogitation, antinomy, scepticism, enlightenment, civil society, science, morals, sensuality, cognition, philosophy

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