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Police activity

Filimonov O.V. Extremist discourse in modern information environment

Abstract: The author considers the problem of extremist discourse transformation, the strengthening of rhizomaticity of information impact of extremist ideology. Using the example of the Overton window concept, the author demonstrates the technology of a communicative discourse transformation from “inconceivable” to “the existing standard”. The author notes that one of the priorities of extremist ideology information impact prevention is the set of active, aggressive counter-extremism discourse technologies applied by public associations and individuals. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop partnership relations with the society and establish professional groups of sympathizers. The author emphasizes the activity, aimed at extremism prevention, implemented not only by law enforcement agencies (police), but also in close coordination with civil state and local authorities. The author applies content-analysis, statistical data analysis, and secondary analysis of the data of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) and the Levada-Center. The author concludes that the responsibility for extremism prevention, imposed on internal affairs agencies, is not effectively discharged. The problem can be solved with the help of new technologies of extremist ideology discourse detection and activities of law enforcement agencies aimed at establishing partnership relations with civil society institutions. 


vigilantes, social organizations, civil society, police, Overtone window, information environment, prevention, discourse, ideology, extremism

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