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Manna A.A., Bukalerova L.A. Criminal responsibility for robbery in Islamic criminal law

Abstract: The paper studies the peculiarities of criminal responsibility for robbery on the base of qualification criteria from the position of modern Islamic criminal law. The research subject is criminal and legal characteristic and qualification of assaults related to robbery in Islamic criminal law. The author considers the main approaches to such crimes interpreting: the essence and the conditions of criminal responsibility for robbery which, according to Islamic criminal law, is related to the hudud category. Based on the comparative-legal analysis of Russian legislation and the legislation of Muslim countries, the author offers recommendations to amend the component elements of a crime. The research methodology is based on general scientific research methods including the principles of objectivity, consistency, historicism, induction, deduction, etc. Along with general scientific methods, the author applies special methods including formal-legal, descriptive, linguistic, formal-logical, historical, system-legal, comparative-legal and others. Public danger of robbery is recognized by all legal systems in the world; Islamic criminal law, however, has developed a special approach to its qualification and punishment. Robbery is considered as a multi-object crime infringing both public relations, protecting property right, and people’s health. The Koran contains references to a heightened danger of assaults related to robbery which are considered by Islamic criminal law as especially grave crimes and are related to the hudud category. 


crime related to the hudud category, robbery, punishment, crime, Islamic criminal law, the Koran, theft, inviolability of home, property, threat

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